Reisha D'hari // The Chaos Dragon God
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The Draco Lich
written by Rose
Your light cannot exist without the darkness,
You cannot be saved unless you allow me to descrate your soul.
No God will want you, unless you scarifice yourself.
No woman, man or child will ever look upon you,
Until you have a reason to be their hero.
So let me drag my nails across your flesh,
Let me eyes dig into your soul and carve my name.
Let my shadows wrap around you,
Let me give you the truth to all your nightmares.
Tell me all your dirty little secrets,
Tell me all your hopes and dreams.
Let me be the one to accept you for all that you are,
And never bind you to being more than you can be.
Bless me,
Destroy me.
Curse me,
Praise me.
I will be etched into your soul,
You will never escape me.
For what am I,
I am darkness...
The dark angel whom haunts you.
I am your truth.
Come... now is the time.