Reisha D'hari // The Chaos Dragon God
The Do's and The Do Nots
Now if common sense was really common, I wouldn't have to write these down but I must if only to ensure there are boundaries set.
Must by +18 yrs old
Contains Sexual Situtations, Violent Scenes and Bloody Moments
The Do's
Creativity Aggressive males and females
Politeness Slave and Master RP
Sexual Scenes Bondage
Dick Money Shots
Pussy Anal
Herms Oral
Long-Term SLs
Golden Showers Crapping
Mutilation Rape(on my char)
Necrophila Pulling me from others
(if yer char is dead, end of SL)
Turning my character good
Childish Mun drama OOC Relationships IC Happily Ever Afters Pointless IC Drama
The Do Nots
The Maybes
The maybes, well I'll have to think on such, can't think on any now, but when I do I'll put them here and they're up for debate!